At the very base of human existence lies the ability to care and to understand. In a variety of seminar structures, Karuna Workshops aims at alleviating the problematic issues that trouble our lives and at enriching our humanity by helping to bring forth and strengthen this basic potential for insight and compassion.
Upcoming Seminar
Registration is now open for Karuna Workshops' Spring Retreat 2024
The Indriyas – the five spiritual powers.
A Six-Day Silent Practice Retreat led by Christina Feldman, Antonia Sumbundu, John Peacock and assisted by Eva Broby Johansen
April 19.-25, 2024 at Gomde Retreat Center, Denmark
The Buddha spoke of the five spiritual powers – confidence, persistence/courage, mindfulness, samadhi/inner collectedness and panna or insight as being the qualities most essential on the path to awakening.
Mornings will be dedicated to formal practices of sitting and walking meditation. Afternoons will include some formal practice with an extended period of teaching on the five spiritual powers. Evenings will offer the opportunity for questions and reflection.
The retreat is open to all with a serious interest in exploring the Buddha’s teachings and how to apply them in one's own meditation practice. It is not a clinical skills workshop, but it is highly recommended and relevant for professionals teaching or training in mindfulness and compassion based applications.
We are grateful to be able to offer the opportunity again to gather at Gomde, to be practicing together in the Meditation Hall, to be walking at the hills of Gomde and to explore and apply these priceless and very beneficial teachings of The Indriyas – the five spiritual powers.
This is a silent retreat - the shared, agreed silence is an integral part of the retreat and the opportunity of deepening one’s practice. Participants are asked to refrain from all speech with each other, or by phone with those outside. Before signing up for the retreat be sure to consider if this the right time for you to commit to a silent retreat and please make sure that you have made people outside, at work and home, aware that you will have limited opportunities to communicate with them.
We hope you share our enthusiasm and longing for retreating together.
The Teachers
CHRISTINA FELDMAN is a co-founder of Gaia House and a guiding teacher at Insight Meditation Society, Barre, Massachusetts. The author of a number of books, she has been teaching insight meditation retreats internationally since 1976. She is one of the teaching faculty of the CPP programme, dedicated to the study and application of the early teachings of the Buddha and is engaged in teaching the Buddhist psychological foundations of mindfulness to those training to teach mindfulness-based applications in England, Belgium and the Netherlands. Her most recent book Mindfulness: Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Psychology, written with Willem Kuyken, was published in the summer of 2019.
JOHN PEACOCK is both an academic and a Buddhist practitioner of nearly fifty years. Trained initially in the Tibetan Gelugpa tradition in India, he subsequently spent time in Sri Lanka studying Theravada. After doing a doctorate in philosophy, he taught Buddhist and Western philosophy and then Buddhist Studies at the University of Bristol. He went on to be Associate Director of the Oxford Mindfulness Centre, co-direct the Master of Studies programme in MBCT (Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy) at Oxford University, and teach Buddhist psychology on the same course. John is now retired from academia and continues to teach meditation, as he has done for more than thirty-five years.
ANTONIA SUMBUNDU has been practicing meditation for more than 30 years and has had the good fortune to practice and study with a number of great teachers. She is an instructor for the Tergar Meditation Community and has completed the Bodhi College Dharma Teacher Training program. Originally trained as a clinical psychologist she holds a Master of Studies in MBCT from the University of Oxford. Antonia is leading meditation retreats and supporting practice groups internationally.
Rangjung Yeshe Gomde, Smedehalden 3, Esby, 8420 Knebel, Denmark
The retreat begins Friday, April 19 th in the afternoon and ends Thursday 25rd at lunch.
The teachings are offered by the teachers out of generosity. Generosity is one of the foundations on which the continuity of the Buddha's teachings has depended on down the centuries and by voluntarily supporting the teachers we can help secure the availability of the teachings, enjoy the act of generosity and show our appreciation for what we have received. By the end of the retreat participants are invited to offer the teachers a donation.
Meals (organic & vegetarian) are included in the rates below.
Bed I a single room: DKK 6.800
Bed I a double room: DKK 5.500
Dormitory, camping or no accommodation: DKK 4.500
This retreat is coordinated by Karuna Workshops. For more information please write to contact@karunaworkshops.dk/Susanne 60824845.
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